Download the new for android MuseScore 4.1
Download the new for android MuseScore 4.1

You know what to do! Thank you so much for your efforts and contributions thus far. The stable version of Muse Hub has now been updated with the latest version of musesampler, so there is technically no longer a need to use the Hub beta when testing MuseScore 4.1. The release candidate has been built in stable mode, which means it will replace any existing version of MuseScore 4 you have on your computer. Otherwise, you can just download the latest source release tarball from the Releases page. Please give this a solid test over the coming days so we can be sure there are no unexpected surprises lurking in the shadows. MuseScore is an open source and free music notation software. We are targeting a release date of Tuesday or Wednesday next week. Please download builds for your respective operating systems here:

download the new for android MuseScore 4.1

We are pleased to announce the MuseScore 4.1 release candidate! 25 300 views 1 day ago musescore mixer musescore4 musescore4 musescore mixer MuseScore 4.1 is in production and the developers have started giving sneak peaks of the features and.

Download the new for android MuseScore 4.1